The 2013 Boston Anarchist Bookfair was held November 10-11 at Simmons College, in Boston, MA. A fundraiser show was held on November 9 at the Circle Amory house.
- A for Anarky: Comic books and Anarchism
- Abolition of the Prison Industrial Complex
- An Anthropological History of the Concept of Race
- Anarchism 101
- Anarquismo en Puerto Rico (Anarchism in Puerto Rico)
- Asia’s Unknown Uprisings & the Obsolescence of the Left to the Rise of Movements
- Disconnecting to Connect and Relate Responsibly
- Don’t Leave Your Friends Behind: Supporting Families in Anarchist & Social Justice Movements
- Especifismo: Anarchist Praxis in Latin America / El Especifismo: Práxis Anarquista en América Latina
- Fat Justice
- Fighting to Win: New England Solidarity Networks
- Finding Ease: approaches to mental health
- Free As a Bird: Natural Anarchism and Animal Liberation
- Graphic Design for Radicals: Making Our Shit Look Good
- Online Organizing & Web Design for Radicals
- Green Syndicalism vs. Anti-Civ: Social Revolution or Primitivist Reaction? A Polemic
- Incarcerated Realities
- Ink Marks: An Intro to Screen Printing and How to Build Your Own One Color Press
- The June 2013 Uprising in Brazil
- Know Your Rights
- Library Machines
- The Persistent (Tele)Visibility of Police Violence
- Quebec student strike 2012: the aftermath
- Queerbook Committee
- Radical/Anarchist education: a brief history and discussion
- Rural Anarchy
- Street First Aid
- Translating Anarchy: The Anarchism of Occupy Wall Street
- Urban Homesteading: America’s Forgotten Housing Giveaway Program
- What the Fuck Am I Doing Here?
- Who are We? A Presentation of the Anarchist Interview Project, an Ongoing Collection of Anarchist Self-Narratives
Vendor Tables
- AK Press (Oakland)
- ALL-oNE (Alliance of the Libertarian Left of New England)
- Anarchist Archives Project (Boston)
- Anarchist Black Cross (Boston)
- Autonomy->Abolition (Boston)
- Bad Comrade Print / Strange Beast Studios
- Boston Solidarity Network
- Bread and Puppet Theater (Boston)
- Bright Hollow Medicinals (Providence)
- Cheap Artists of the World
- Collective-A-Go-Go (Worcester)
- Common Struggle/Lucha Común
- Earth First! Journal
- Families for Justice as Healing (Boston)
- Institute for Anarchist Studies
- IWW Boston
- Jacinta Bunnell
- Little Black Cart (Berkeley)
- Lucy Parsons Center (Boston)
- Papercut Zine Library (Boston)
- PM Press (Oakland)
- Simmons College Progressive Librarians Guild
- Socialist Alternative
- SQ Distro (Pittsburgh)
- The Sacco and Vanzetti Commemoration Society (Boston)
- The Wooden Shoe (Philadelphia)
- Under the Pavement
- VINE (Veganism Is the Next Evolution, Inc.) (Vermont)
There were three short and sweet puppet shows:
- The True Tale of Bluebeard as told by the Tooth and Nail Puppetry Front. The frightening feminist tale of marriage, murder, and revenge.
- A show about Michelina de Cesare, the Italian bandit.
- Stop Stop & Frisk: a shadow puppet tale of resistance in communities if color.
Followed by KARAOKE projected on the wall!