The 2014 Boston Anarchist Bookfair was held November 23-24 at Boston University, in Boston, MA.
- Affinity Groups
- Against Race and Capitalism: The Need for Utopian Thinking
- An Anti-Authoritarian Analysis of Syria’s Uprising and Civil War
- The Anti-Work Workshop
- Anarchism 101
- Anarchism and Psychology
- Animal Rights and Anarchism
- Aramark Action – Exposing Injustice in Corporate Food Service
- Beyond Childcare: a Discussion on Supporting Families in our Movements
- Boston to Ferguson: Resistance the Police
- Building Student Power
- Cross-Pollinating the Grassroots: Mesoamerica Resiste!
- Dispatches Against Displacement: Field Notes From San Francisco’s Housing Wars
- DIY Papermaking
- The Fight for the Housing Right in Spain: From V de Vivienda to La PAH
- Fight Like Hell and Live: Strategies for Surviving Suicidality and Supporting Friends in Crisis
- Frenemies In Our Midst: Liberalism’s False Radicals
- Graphic Design for Radicals: Making Our Outreach Look Good
- Imagining Fat Justice
- Navigating the Surveillance State: Turn your Paranoia into “aware-anoia”
- Pieces of Meat: Sexism, Speciesism, and Intersectionality
- Punk Rock, Mental Illness and Recovery
- The Role of the Revolutionary Organization – Black Rose / Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation
- Situationism Redux
- Theater of the Oppressed: Arsenal Games
- Who’s Afraid of the Black Blocs?
Vendor Tables
- AK Press
- Alliance of the Libertarian Left of New England
- Bad Comrade Print
- Better Days Recovery Press
- Between the Lines
- Black and Pink
- Black Powder Press
- Boston Black Rose Anarchist Federation
- Boston Feminists for Liberation
- Boston Food Not Bombs
- Boston Radical Mental Health and Trauma Collective
- Boston University Students for Justice in Palestine
- Bread and Puppet Theater
- Earth First! Journal
- Families for Justice as Healing
- Food Not Bombs
- Friends of Untorelli Press
- If Not Now, When? Boston
- Institute for the Study of Insurgent Warfare
- Justseeds Artist Cooperative
- Little Black Cart
- North American Animal Liberation Press Office
- Papercut Zine Library
- Platypus Affiliated Society
- Pleasure Pie
- PM Press
- SGL Editions
- Skunkdog Distro
- SQ Distro
- Tha Truth Music
- Till Dust and Teeth
- The Center for Gender, Sexuality, & Activism at Boston University
- The Lucy Parsons Center
- Underthepavement Distro
- VINE Sanctuary
- Wooden Shoe Books
- Zapatista Rebel Autonomous Spanish and Maya Languages Center
- Zinn Education Project