Nov 11 – Nov 12
Please do not come if you are feeling sick, tested positive for covid within 10 days of the bookfair, or were recently exposed to someone with COVID-19.
We encourage everyone attending the bookfair to monitor their symptoms and test before arriving if that is accessible to you. (we also have tests available)
Masks are required for everyone (age 2+) at this event.
Masks must be worn over your nose and mouth at all times inside of the space except while drinking water. (otherwise, food and drinks outside only please!)
We’ll provide KN95 + N95 masks, and accept donations to help pay for them
If you bring your own mask, it must be KN95 or better. No cloth masks please.
We will have true hepa air purifiers (or cr boxes utilizing merv-13 quality air filters) throughout the space.
Depending on the status of covid-19 in the Boston area, we may add additional precautions, or we may cancel in-person tabling altogether if the caseload in Massachusetts is too high.
The tabling space is wheelchair accessible. The doors to the gym (main tabling space) opens to a paved area that is level to the sidewalk. There is a ramp from the tabling area to the classroom where workshops will be held, as well as wheelchair-accessible bathrooms. There is an alternative door leading into that hallways from the outside as well.
Please contact the bookfair organizers at bostonanarchistbookfair@gmail.com if you are seeking specific childcare accommodations.
Event Intro: We are thrilled to announce the upcoming 2023 Boston Anarchist Bookfair, and we want you to be a part of this exciting event! Mark your calendars for Nov 11-12, as we gather at the Cambridge Community Center from 10AM – 5PM for a weekend of intellectual exploration, thought-provoking discussions, and community building.
Tablers: Immerse yourself in a world of diverse ideas and anarchist perspectives as we welcome tablers from across the country to the 2023 Boston Anarchist Bookfair. Our curated selection of tablers brings together publishers, organizations, independent creators, and activists. From thought-provoking literature and artwork to media that engages with contemporary anarchism, our tablers represent projects and collectives from across the country.
- [Working Title]
- Abraxas
- After the Storm Magazine
- AK Press
- Anarchist Archives Project
- Autonomedia
- Black Rose Books
- Black Rose/Rosa Negra
- Brick x brick and burning laurel
- Burning Books
- Common Notions Press
- CrimethInc.
- Food Not Bombs and MBTA distro
- Ginger Bug Press
- Grin Mountain Joy and Be Good Club
- Industrial Workers of the World (Boston General Membership Branch)
- Lantern Library
- Lowell Lawrence ABC
- Massachusetts Pirate Party
- Massachusetts Socialist Rifle Association
- MBTA Distro
- Mutual Aid Records
- North American Animal Liberation Press Office
- Panethnic Pourovers
- Pleasure Pie
- PM Press
- Proxy Prophet
- Queer Crip Comics
- Red Ink Community Library
- Sam Paolini
- The Federation of Anarchists and Syndicalists
- Viscera Print Goods
- Warm Up Boston
- Zu’s Studio
Virtual and In-Person Workshops: At the heart of the 2023 Boston Anarchist Bookfair lies our commitment to fostering knowledge-sharing and practical learning. We’re excited to present an engaging lineup of workshops that bridge the gap between theory and action. Whether you’re joining us in person or participating virtually, these workshops offer a unique opportunity to delve deeper into critical topics, gain practical skills, and engage in meaningful discussions with passionate speakers. Our workshops cover a diverse range of subjects, from dismantling oppressive systems and strategies for effective activism to exploring visions for a more just and equitable world.
In Person Workshops:

Saturday 11/11
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM: Occupy the University
Join Marisa Holmes & Coco Tomas Reed as they explore the tactics of occupying for universities.
12:15 PM – 1:45 PM: Nestor Makhno: Anarchism Then And Now
Discover the enduring relevance of Ukranian anarchism with Charlie Allison.
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM: Your Neighborhood is an Art Gallery: A Printmaking Class
Unleash your creativity with Lizzie Rutberg in this hands-on wood block printing workshop.
3:40 PM – 5:00 PM: Subverting Politics: Social Movements Today
AK Thompson sheds light on the dynamics of modern social movements and their potential in their new book release.
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM: Anarchism 101 (online only)
Join us for an after party presentation on the basics of anarchism! Essential for anyone who wants to get introduced to building a non-hierarchal, free, and mutually beneficial world.
Sunday 11/12
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM: How Do We Do Direct Democracy?
Learn from Cora Roelofs & Alex Rodriguez about the principles and practices of direct democracy.
12:15 PM – 1:45 PM: Stop Cop City: Racial Justice, Forest Defence, and Diversity of Tactics
Join Jericho Boston, Joe Brown, and Weelaunee Solidarity Boston for a first hand account of one of the largest direct actions in recent history.
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM: Anti-Racist Action: Culture Politics and Lessons from North America’s OG Antifa
Shannon Clay dives into the Antifa organizing’s roots in anarchism, feminism, Black liberation, and Indigenous sovereignty.
3:40 PM – 5:00 PM: Three Way Fight: For Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism
Becca Sandor and Matthew Lyons discuss the Three Way Fight project and organizing against the far-right.
Virtual Workshops:

Wednesday 11/8
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM: All your base are belong to us: Lessons from Direct Action Occupations of the early 2010s
Join Red for a discussion and skill share around temporary occupations, using their zine as a launchpad.
Thursday 11/9
3:45 PM -4:45 PM: Zapatista Stories for Dreaming An-Other World
Explore recently translated Zapatista stories and their political interventions, framed with a reprise of Zapatista history with Margaret Cerullo.
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM: Queer Voices in Appalachia
Explore contemporary queer organizing in Appalachia and create spaces to dream and thrive in the face of anti-trans and anti-queer attacks with Zane McNeill.
6:15 PM-7:45PM: Pandemic Anarchism: What We Owe Each Other
Join Boston COVID Action’s collective organizers to discuss distributing information and safety resources in Boston to mitigate the harms of the ongoing pandemic with Erin.
Friday 11/10
4:00 PM -5:30pm: Nourishing Resistance: Stories of Food, Protest, and Mutual Aid
Join a panel discussion on the role of food in protest movements and mutual aid, featuring contributors from “Nourishing Resistance” with Wren Awry.
5:45 – 7:15 PM What is Health Autonomy
Join Ashlie Taylor for an open discussion to promote a deep exploration of what health autonomy means to each of us and can mean collectively. A background summary regarding current trends in health autonomy movements and actions will be included.